
News, announcements and events (in chronological order)

Collaboration scholarship 2018/2019

El alumno Ander Loidi ha sido el ganador de la beca que otorga el Consejo Social de la UVa para la colaboración en tareas de investigación en el instituto durante el curso 2018/2019.

Researchers from Valladolid design social interaction strategies: Robot to develop the physical and cognitive capacities of the elderly.


Research projects of the Junta de Castilla y León

In the 2018 call for autonomous research projects, the teams led by the members of the ITAP, Javier Rey and Jaime Gómez have obtained funding for the projects entitled ...

"Analysis of energy efficient technologies for the sustainability of buildings" and "Robots with the ability to interact and adapt in healthcare settings" , respectively, for an amount of € 120,000 each. !! Congratulations!!



Congratulations to the new teachers. Recently (February 2019) the members of the ITAP Eloy Velasco and Jaime Gómez have overcome the opposition to the body of University Professors. Congratulations!!

Postdoctoral contract offer

ROASIS project:


Further information:


ITAP has collaborated with CITECH in dissemination tasks within the "Industry and Technology Summit" that was held on March 28, 29 and 30, 2019 in Gijón.

Organized by the Structural Dynamics group of the UPM School of Itineraries and by the ITAP, the seminar on modal analysis techniques, signal processing and vibration cancellation was developed (from March 18 to 22, 2019) aimed at PhD students, taught by Professors Iván Muñoz and Emiliano Pereira.

Conference: "Detection of electrical machine faults"

Dr. Lucía Frosini

Department of Electrical, Computers and Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Pavia, Italy.

Wednesday May 22, 10: 30-12: 30, Graduate Room of the School of Industrial Engineering, Paseo del Cauce.

Summary: Introduction to electrical machine fault detection: meaning of diagnostics, types of faults that can occur in induction motors, possible fault indicators. Motor Current Signature Analysis (MCSA) for detecting broken rotor bars and the effects of rotor bar tilt on interbar currents. MCSA for air gap eccentricity detection (static and dynamic). MCSA for the detection of short circuits in the stator winding supplied at low voltage.
MCSA for bearing failure detection, with practical examples.

Bio: Lucia Frosini obtained a master's degree (1994) and a doctorate (2000) in Electrical Engineering at the University of Pavia, where she is an assistant professor and lecturer in "Diagnostic systems for electrical machines and drives" and "Design and technology of machines and electrical drives”.
She is the author of more than 60 international and national scientific publications, mainly on modeling and diagnosis of electrical machines.


Further information: (Department of Electrical Engineering)

A UVa research group will collaborate with MIT in the design of a device to reduce the risk of thrombosis

UVa Research Supplement "El Norte de Castilla"

The UVa Communication Office and the Vice-Rector's Office for University Extension, together with the University Research Institutes, have prepared this supplement where the institutes are presented and some of their recent projects are summarized.


Seminar: “Therapeutic strategies for cardiac disease using soft materials, structures and devices" (Download PDF)

Seminar: “Therapeutic strategies for cardiac disease using soft materials, structures and devices" (Download PDF)
On September 12, in the IBD grade classroom, Professor Ellen T. Roche from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology gave a seminar on “Therapeutic strategies for cardiac disease using soft materials, structures and devices”.

Professor Roche is a biomedical engineer and has developed new devices for cardiac assist and therapeutic treatment. The visit is financed by a project of the Fundación la Caixa - MISTI - MIT Spain in which we participate with her from the Fluid Mechanics Group of the EII. Ellen is a pioneer in the use of "soft robotics" applied to bioengineering, working in this area together with the chief of cardiac surgery at Boston Children's Hospital, surgeon Pedro del Nido.



Conferencia: “An Adaptive Neural Harmonic Compensator for Inverter-Fed Distributed Generation" (Download PDF)

Invited by the GIR ADIRE, Dr. Maurizio Cirrincione from The University of the South Pacific, Fiji Islands, will give on Wednesday, December 18, at 10:00 in the Aula 3M of the EII/Cauce the conference entitled “An Adaptive Neural Harmonic Compensator for Inverter-Fed Distributed Generation".


Este virus lo paramos entre todos #QuédateEnCasa

Este virus lo paramos entre todos #QuédateEnCasa


Once the 2019 call for access to the vacant positions of university teaching civil servants has been resolved, congratulations are given to professors Daniel Moríñigo, José Sierra and Luis Hernández for having obtained the position of Full Professor and to Antolín Lorenzana for the position of Professor. Congratulations!!



Coronavirus / Covid-19

Queremos expresar nuestro reconocimiento a todo el personal  involucrado en la lucha contra la Covid-19, especialmente a aquellos que han contraído la enfermedad y en particular a nuestro compañero Carlos Vaquero, felizmente recuperado.

Agradecer también las donaciones desinteresadas de equipos de protección que han realizado colaboradores del instituto como la Fundación Cartif  and el FabLab de la FUNGE/UVa.

A todos, nuestro más sincero reconocimiento. Nos debemos sentir orgullosos de estas acciones ejemplares.



Sacyr iChallenges

Los miembros de ITAP / Universidad de Valladolid, como socios de PTEC, podemos participar en la tercera edición de Sacyr iChallenges, programa de innovación abierta y cocreación orientado a resolver, de forma conjunta con la comunidad innovadora, cuatro retos de negocio planteados por Sacyr.

Aquellos interesados pónganse en contacto directamente con Borja Fernández.


Estudios de Doctorado

Aquellos titulados (Grado + Máster) interesados en comenzar estudios de doctorado en temas de investigación del instituto pueden optar a alguno de los contratos predoctorales ofertados por la universidad. Para ello conviene que se pongan en contacto con el director/coordinador del correspondiente equipo de investigación para enfocar la solicitud.


ASUCYL evaluation

ITAP se encuentra inmerso en el proceso de evaluación periódica que realiza la Agencia para la Calidad del Sistema Universitario de Castilla y León. Iniciado noviembre de 2019, y habiendo entregado la solicitud y la memoria de renovacion en marzo de 2020, queda la última fase de este proceso en la que el panel de expertos propuesto por ACSUCyL, compuesto por los profesores D. Francisco Tirado, D. Juan Ignacio Garcés y D. Robert Griñó, entrevistará a distintos miembros del instituto, así como a representantes  de la propia universidad, de los investigadores en formación y de las empresas colaboradoras.


Publicación libro

El fomento de la eficiencia energética en los edificios es uno de los pilares necesarios para cumplir el EU Green Deal. El grupo de Termotecnia acaba de publicar el libro “Diseño y Gestión de Edificios de Consumo de Energía casi Nulo" con el objetivo de dotar de herramientas prácticas y actuales al diseñador y gestor energético de edificios nuevos o rehabilitados. (More information)


Número especial en la revista ENERGIES

El profesor Daniel Moríñigo junto con los profesores René Romero y Joan Pons, organiza una edición especial en la revista indexada Energies (MDPI) dedicada a nuevas técnicas de detección temprana de fallos en motores de inducción. Aquellos investigadores que trabajen en este campo están invitados a preparar un manuscrito y enviarlo antes de junio 2021. Para más información consultar here.


Elecciones a Director del Instituto

De acuerdo a los estatutos de la Universidad de Valladolid, cumplido el plazo del actual director se debe proceder a convocar elecciones de acuerdo al calendario electoral. Los censos electorales en cada uno de los 3 cuerpos que elegirán al nuevo director coinciden con las listas de los 32 miembros académicos, 17 representantes de alumnos y 4 miembros del PAS.
Aquellos miembros académicos interesados en presentar su candidatura podrán hacerlo entre el 15 y el 22 de diciembre. Las votaciones se celebrarán el 27 de enero de 2021.



On March 24, 2021, our colleague Ana Tejero González, from the Thermotechnics group, overcame the opposition for the position of University Professor in the Department of Energy Engineering and Fluidomechanics. The management of the institute congratulates you on your achievement.


Publications in ENERGIES magazine

Thanks to the collaboration of the professor Daniel Moriñigo with the journal ENERGIES , those interested in publishing in said magazine can do so with significant discounts (50% discount if they submit the article to review in March or April of this year and 30% discount if the article is sent for review in May or June). For this, an email must be sent to Daniel with the following information:

- Expected date of sending the paper to the magazine.
– Title of the paper.
– List of authors.
– Corresponding author.


Special Issue in APPLIED SCIENCES Magazine

The professor Motor Luis Hernández Callejo is guest editor of the special issue “Very Short / Short / M edium / Long Term Load Forecasting and Renewables Forecasting" from Applied Sciences magazine, of interest to researchers in prediction of demand or energy generation. Those interested may send their contribution until June 2023. More information.


Director elections

After the director elections held on 01/27/2021, the candidate, Mr. Juan Carlos Fraile Marinero, has won the trust of the majority of the members. By rectorial resolution, he takes possession of his new position on February 11, 2021 and on 02/23/2021 appoints Mr. Antolín Lorenzana Ibán as secretary. Congratulations to the new management team of the institute! Congratulations to the new management team of the institute!

Jul 2021

Bienvenida a Tomislav Jarak, investigador post-doctoral

El profesor Tomislav Jarak, proveniente de la Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica de la Universidad de Zagreb, Croacia, ha conseguido uno de los 10 contratos de investigador post-doctoral ofertados por la Universidad de Valladolid en la convocatoria de 2020. Durante sus 3 años de estancia, trabajará en el laboratorio de Estructuras de la Escuela de Ingenierías Industriales. Entre sus temas de investigación destacan los relacionados con la fatiga mecánica y concentraciones de tensiones en nuevos materiales resistentes, tratados con un enfoque computacional.


Awarded colleague

On the occasion of its tenth anniversary, the Iberian Association of Photocatalysis will present 10 awards to as many entities and individuals who have distinguished themselves for their support to the research and application of Photocatalysis solutions as tools to improve air quality. One of the prizes goes to our colleague Javier Rey, from the Thermotechnics group. Congratulations, Javier! More information in this link .



CMMoST conference

On December 1, 2 and 3, the sixth edition of the CMMOST international congress will be held at the School of Industrial Engineering, organized by ITAP. During those days, 12 sessions will be developed where more than 60 speakers will discuss aspects of computational mechanics such as "Simulation models for the analysis of structures", "Sensorization for the characterization of actions on structures", "Experimental methodology for the characterization of materials and structures "," Models for the evaluation of structural damage "," Models for structural interventions "," Control of structures "," Calibration of models "and" Structural Health Monitoring ". More information can be found on the web



Conference on e-health

ITAP participates in the First Conference on e-Health and associated technologies organized by the Oviedo City Council at the Health Sciences Nursery (Vivarium). They will be held on November 11 and 12 and have the participation of three technology companies and 6 universities. Among the topics that will be addressed will talk about platforms for first aid, risk prevention and health education. These conferences take place in a framework of change in terms of the relationship between technology and health services and products, a change that has been accelerated after the health crisis suffered in recent months.

More information

Poster about the conference

9 Mar. 2022

Welcome to the Array Processing Group

Since this month of March, ITAP has had the collaboration of the recognized Array Processing research group, based at the Higher Technical School of Telecommunications Engineers. Coordinated by Professor Alberto Izquierdo, the group is specialized in discrete processing of multiple signals, including acoustic biometrics and vehicle and pedestrian detection and monitoring systems. In his web page ( detailed information is available on the activities of its members.

4 Apr, 2022

New Internal Regulations of the Institute

In order to adapt the Regulations of the Institute to the legal modifications of recent years, in particular to the UVa Statutes, according to agreement 111/2020 of December 30 of the Junta de Castilla y León, dated March 28, 2022 The Permanent Commission of the Governing Council of the UVa approves the new regulations of the Institute, which can be consulted here

15 Sep. 2022

Stay of Professor Amgad Abazeed

Within the KA107 Erasmus+ program, the ITAP institute will host Professor Amgad Abazeed, from the School of Engineering and Technology in Aswan, Egypt, belonging to the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Marine Transport, for 6 months. Specialist in monitoring systems for large structures, he will work in the Structures laboratory, joining Professor Antolín Lorenzana's team.

16 Dec. 2022

Projects with collaborative robots

In this article from El Norte de Castilla the director of the institute comments on some recent success stories developed by different ITAP researchers in the field of collaborative robotics, including social robots, surgical robots, rehabilitation robots, service robots, hospital robots, etc. 


Publication of book on artificial vision

Professors Jaime Duque, Jaime Gómez and Eduardo Zalama have just published the book entitled "Artificial Vision through Machine Learning with Tensorflow and Pytorch" intended for students, researchers and professionals who wish to delve into the field of artificial vision and supervised learning algorithms and unsupervised It also contains numerous examples that allow solving current problems.


ROSOGAR: Social Robotics for elder care at home.

(PID2021-123020OB-I00, MCIN/ AEI / 10.13039/501100011033 / FEDER, UE).
Recent advances in health care have resulted in an unprecedented increase in the number of older people. As a result, in recent years there has been a substantial increase in interest in assistive technologies that help these people stay active and live independently, in their own home or in living units integrated within residential centers. This project seeks to advance the care and entertainment of the elderly through a precise combination of social robots, robotic navigation and manipulation systems, supervision, control and telepresence systems, and environmental intelligence. The research will be approached from a user-centered point of view, with many users and a significant effort of experimentation in real operational environments. To this end, it will have the support of entities and companies providing social services with which we are collaborating.

Este proyecto busca avanzar en el cuidado y el entretenimiento de los mayores a través de una combinación precisa de robots sociales, sistemas de navegación y manipulación robóticos, sistemas de supervisión, control y telepresencia y inteligencia ambiental. La investigación se abordará desde un punto de vista centrado en el usuario, con muchos usuarios y un esfuerzo significativo de experimentación en entornos operativos reales. Para ello, contará con el apoyo de entidades y empresas que proporcionan servicios sociales con las que estamos colaborando.



EIAROB: Environmental intelligence ecosystem for the support of long-term care at home using social robots.

(Consejería de Familia of the Junta de Castilla y León - Next Generation EU). Recent advances in health care have led to a continued increase in the number of older people. In this context, the overall goal of the present project is to promote the autonomy and quality of life of older and dependent people, both in their homes and in co-living units in residential centers. The aim is to prevent risk situations and the worsening of dependency, facilitate the work of professionals responsible for their care, and reduce the economic costs associated with the care of people with disabilities or dependency. The project is structured around three main axes: 1.- Environmental Intelligence System to support independent living. 2.- Mechatronic and Robotic Solutions for the care of older people. 3.- Development of an Experimental Observatory of Robotics for independent living in Castilla y León. The Project is being developed jointly with the CARTIF Technological Center and several entities and associations for the care of elder people.
Los recientes avances en el cuidado de la salud han conducido a aumento continuado del número de personas mayores. En este contexto, el objetivo general del presente proyecto consiste en promover la autonomía y calidad de vida de las personas mayores y …

…dependientes, tanto en sus casas como en unidades de convivencia de centros residenciales. Se busca prevenir las situaciones de riesgo y el agravamiento de la dependencia, facilitar el trabajo de los profesionales encargados de su atención y reducir costes económicos asociados al cuidado de las personas con discapacidad o dependencia. El proyecto se articula en tres ejes fundamentales:

1.- Sistema de Inteligencia Ambiental para apoyo a la vida independiente.
2.- Soluciones Mecatrónicas y Robóticas para la atención a personas mayores.
3.- Desarrollo de un Observatorio Experimental de Robótica para la vida independiente en Castilla y León.

El Proyecto se desarrolla conjuntamente con el Centro Tecnológico CARTIF y diversas entidades y asociaciones de atención a personas mayores.



«INVESTIGO» Programme

Five recruitments of research personnel are offered, with references CP23/159, CP23/163, CP23/166, CP23/174 and CP23/186. With a deadline of August 31, those who meet the requirements and are interested in collaborating in the different groups of the institute in matters of health, ecological transition, green economy, digitalization of services and "data science", must formalize the application following the instructions available in the electronic office.
Important: a commitment to permanence is required during the 2 years of hiring.


Award-winning presentation at the Latin American Congress of District heating and cooling

The paper entitled "Energy Management of a Renewable District Heating (DH), through the Analysis of Indicators (KPI) for the Decarbonization of a Building on a University Campus" presented by the PhD student Ms. Rosaura Sastre Zamora has won the first prize in the First Latin American Congress of District heating and cooling, recently held in Cartagena, Colombia. Congratulations to both the co-authors and the GIR Thermotechnics research group in which they are integrated.


Neurorehabilitation Techniques

Revolutionary study of mobility recovery. As a result of the collaboration between the ITAP institute and the Benito Menni Hospital, patients with functional impairment due to Covid are able to recover 70% of their movement capacity with the new RobHand exoskeleton. The advances will be presented this Tuesday, October 3, at the hospital itself. More information in this link.
Follow-up of this news in various media:

ABC El Español La Vanguardia La Razón
La 8 TV Valladolid El Día de Valladolid CyLTV


Lecture by visiting professor Dr. Luis Morales

Professor Dr. Luis Morales, visiting professor at UVa during this academic year from the Autonomous University of Querétaro (Mexico), will give two lectures this November, on the 10th and 24th. The first, entitled The Internet of Things (IoT) in the digitalization of processes is aimed at all IBD students (bachelor's, master's) while the second, entitled Design of mixed-signal systems for data acquisition is more geared towards researchers and PhD students. They will take place in the Grades room 2304 of the Mergelina Campus. For more information, click on the links.



Award-winning paper at the SDEMPED international congress

The paper entitled "Broken rotor bar fault detection using odd triple harmonics in delta-connected induction motors" presented by R.P. Policarlo de Souza, D. Moriñigo Sotelo, V. Fernández Cavero, O. Duque Pérez, C. Marcos Agulhari and A. Goedtel, has been awarded at the fourteenth edition of the IEEE congress: International Symposium on Diagnostics for Electric Machines, Power Electronics and Drives, SDEMPED_2023, recently held in Crete, Greece. Congratulations to both the co-authors and the GIR ADIRE research group in which they are part.


New book by Professor Carlos Vaquero

Last Thursday, October 26, in the Aula de Grados of the Faculty of Medicine, Professor Carlos Vaquero, honorary member of ITAP, presented his new book entitled "Technological support of surgery“.

The book has been written in order to serve as a support for the Studies of the Degree in Biomedical Engineering and although it can be considered a textbook for the subject "Applied Surgery", it has contents that can be used in other subjects such as "Pathophysiology of organs and systems" in the surgical part.


International recognition

In addition to the recent international award achieved in the District Energy LATAM Conference 2023 held in Cartagena/Colombia, the research group Thermotechnics GIR maintains intense international activity. Last October, the professor and director of the group, Dr. Fco. Javier Rey, gave a master conference on the energy transition in efficiency and renewable energies, invited by the College of Mechanical Engineers of Peru. Likewise, now in November activities will take place in Brazil in the context of the research project in which they collaborate, coinciding with the invited participation in a plenary session at the international congress.


TRAPECIO Project (Enabling technologies for almost zero buildings in Latin America)

ITAP participates, through the Termotecnia GIR, along with 21 other groups from Latin American, Andorran, Portuguese and Spanish countries, in the thematic network on ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES FOR ALMOST ZERO BUILDINGS IN IBERO AMERICAfinanced by the Ibero-American Science and Technology Program for the Development (CYTED) in the 2023 call for the next 4 years. The director of the project is Rodrigo Ramirez Pisco, from the CARLEMANY University of Andorra and the coordinator at UVa is the professor of AgroForest Engineering Dr. Manuel Navas, with professor Javier Rey being responsible for ITAP. More information at:


Noticia publicada en el periódico “El Norte de Castilla"

El pasado 4 de abril, se publicó en el periódico “El Norte de Castilla" la siguiente noticia (pulsar sobre la imagen para ampliar):El robot que ayuda a los mayores a seguir viviendo en sus casas
Investigadores de la UVA crean un dispositivo que detecta situaciones de emergencia, ofrece actividades para la estimulación cognitiva y permite realizar videollamadas con familiares.


Noticia publicada en el periódico “El Norte de Castilla"

El pasado 7 de abril, se publicó en el periódico “El Norte de Castilla" la siguiente noticia (pulsar sobre la imagen para ampliar):La rehabilitación asistida por robot logra recuperar atrofias en las manos por covid grave

Una revista de prestigio internacional recoge la investigación de la UVA y el Benito Menni que avala el exoesqueleto para rescatar movilidad y reducir la falta de autonomía.


José Ramón Perán González, ganador del “XI Premio al Mejor Directivo de la revista Castilla y León Económica

Felicitamos a José Ramón Perán González, director general de Cartif, profesor emérito de la UVa, exdirector de la EII y miembro de ITAP, quien ha sido galardonado con el “XI Premio al Mejor Directivo de Castilla y León Económica", por la puesta en marcha hace 30 años de Cartif, que en la actualidad se posiciona como el primer centro tecnológico de Castilla y León y segundo de España en cuanto a su participación en proyectos financiados por el programa Horizonte Europa.  La entrega de premios tendrá lugar el próximo día 9 de mayo a las 18:15 en el Auditorio I de la Feria de Valladolid.

Más información en el este link.


Curso sobre “Introducción al análisis espectral de señales"

Organizado por el grupo ADIRE, los profesores Dr. René de Jesús Romero, de la Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro  y Dr. Tomás A. García de la Universidad de Valladolid impartirán el próximo 13 de junio de 2024 en la Sala de Grados 2304 de la Sede Mergelina/EII un curso introductorio al análisis espectral de señales en la industria. Se ha dividido en dos partes:  La primera parte está dedicada a realizar una introducción teórica al análisis espectral de señales estacionarias con la FFT.  La segunda parte aborda el análisis tiempo-frecuencia de señales no estacionarias con la Short-Time Fourier Transform. En ambos bloques, se mostrarán ejemplos prácticos de señales tomadas en la industria e instalaciones eléctricas.

Más información en este link.