Academic organization chart and commissions

The institute's council is made up of three bodies. The faculty, which accounts for 60% of the total, is made up of all the academic members of the institute. The body of administration and services staff is represented by the following members:

Fernández Vizán, Jesús

Mansilla González, Juan Jesús

Tejedor Villadangos, María Nieves


Finally, students associated with the institute are considered to be all those registered for a doctorate and whose directors or tutors are academic members of the institute. Its current representatives on the institute council are:

Alonso Alonso De Linaje, Gonzalo

Anatol Hernández, Joaquín

Barrientos Garcia, Francisco Javier

Boubkari, Asmae

Carpintero Gómez, Luis Alberto

Fernández Villar, Borja

Fontúrbel Mediavilla, Carlos

Gómez Ramos, Raúl

González Sánchez, Carlos

Iglesias Pordomingo, Álvaro

Loza Matovelle, David

Martín Crespo, Alejandro

Merino Fidalgo, Sergio

Moreno San Juan, Víctor

Palacios Ferrer, José Andrés

Quintana Gómez, Samuel

Rodríguez Cea, Ángel Iván

Rojas Innocenti, Sebastián

Sánchez Boyero, Domingo

Tristán Gago, David

Viñas Noseda, Pablo Francisco

Youssef Ahmed, Nada

Aparte de la Comisión Permanente (formada por el secretario y director), el instituto cuenta con las siguientes comisiones:

Economic commission

Pérez Rueda, Mª. Ángeles

Pérez Turiel, Javier

Arroyo Gómez, Yolanda

Zalama Casanova, Eduardo

Secretario y Director

R + D + i comission :

Arroyo Gómez, Yolanda

Baeyens Lázaro, Enrique

Gómez García-Bermejo, Jaime

Moya de la Torre, Eduardo

Secretario y Director

Electoral commission

Fernández Villar, Borja

Fuente López, Eusebio de la

Iglesias Pordomingo, Álvaro

Tejedor Villadangos, Nieves
