Legal framework

ITAP is a university research institute that since September 22, 2011 (BOCyL resolution of September 28, 2011) is a LOU institute, established as such on December 22, 2011.

Its operation is regulated by the statutes of the University of Valladolid in its articles 29-35 of chapter IV of title I, articles 66-72 of chapter IV of title II, and the eighth section of chapter II of title VII, as well as by the regulations of the University Institutes and by their own internal regulations of the Institute of Advanced Production Technologies.

On the other hand, and as established by Law 3/2003 of Universities of Castilla y León, ITAP is subject to periodic evaluation every five years by the Agencia para la Calidad del Sistema Universitario de Castilla y León (ACSUCYL).

Organic Law 6/2001 of December 21, on Universities defines University Research Institutes as centers dedicated to scientific and technical research or artistic creation, with the capacity to organize and develop doctoral and postgraduate programs and studies, as well as provide technical advice within the scope of its competences.