

[:es]ITAP (Instituto de las Tecnologías Avanzadas de la Producción) es un instituto universitario de investigación (IUI) de la Universidad de Valladolid formado por más de 32 profesores de múltiples áreas de conocimiento. La mayor parte de ellos pertenecen a la Escuela de Ingenierías Industriales, si bien hay miembros de la Facultad de Medicina y de la Escuela Universitaria de Ingenierías Agrarias. Asimismo colaboran múltiples profesionales, destacando investigadores de la Fundación Cartif y médicos del Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid.

Todos ellos participan en tareas del ámbito de la ingeniería, compaginando las labores docentes con las de investigación y de transferencia de tecnología.

En la Escuela de Ingenierías Industriales, Sede Cauce, el instituto dispone de espacios compartidos para los órganos de dirección y administración, así como para laboratorios, destacando los de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática, Ingeniería Mecánica y Estructuras, Termotecnia y Fluidos.

[:en]ITAP (Institute of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies) is a university research institute of the University of Valladolid with more than 32 academic members from several areas of knowledge. Most of them belong to the School of Industrial Engineering, although there are members from the Faculty of Medicine and other centers. There are also external members from some companies (mainly researchers at Cartif Foundation and practitioners at Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid that collaborate with ITAP.
All of them work togethers in engineering projects, combining teaching work with research and technology transfer.
The institute has several shared spaces at the School of Industrial Engineering, some of them devoted to management and administration activities, but also laboratories: Automation, Mechanical Engineering, Structures, Thermotechnics, Fluids…[:]

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ITAP (Institute of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies) is a university research institute of the University of Valladolid with more than 32 academic members from several areas of knowledge. Most of them belong to the School of Industrial Engineering, although there are members from the Faculty of Medicine and other centers. There are also external members from some companies (mainly researchers at Cartif Foundation and practitioners at Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid that collaborate with ITAP.
All of them work togethers in engineering projects, combining teaching work with research and technology transfer.
The institute has several shared spaces at the School of Industrial Engineering, some of them devoted to management and administration activities, but also laboratories: Automation, Mechanical Engineering, Structures, Thermotechnics, Fluids…

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ITAP (Institute of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies) is a university research institute of the University of Valladolid with more than 32 academic members from several areas of knowledge. Most of them belong to the School of Industrial Engineering, although there are members from the Faculty of Medicine and other centers. There are also external members from some companies (mainly researchers at Cartif Foundation and practitioners at Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid that collaborate with ITAP.
All of them work togethers in engineering projects, combining teaching work with research and technology transfer.
The institute has several shared spaces at the School of Industrial Engineering, some of them devoted to management and administration activities, but also laboratories: Automation, Mechanical Engineering, Structures, Thermotechnics, Fluids…


ITAP (Institute of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies) is a university research institute of the University of Valladolid with more than 32 academic members from several areas of knowledge. Most of them belong to the School of Industrial Engineering, although there are members from the Faculty of Medicine and other centers. There are also external members from some companies (mainly researchers at Cartif Foundation and practitioners at Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid that collaborate with ITAP.

All of them work togethers in engineering projects, combining teaching work with research and technology transfer.

The institute has several shared spaces at the School of Industrial Engineering, some of them devoted to management and administration activities, but also laboratories: Automation, Mechanical Engineering, Structures, Thermotechnics, Fluids…

Modeling and simulation of systems is very useful for many areas of knowledge. Being able to simulate in a mathematical way the real behavior of a system reports many advantages in its design and control in several levels, for example, in security and economic.

In recent years there has been a need to develop assisting robots. This is due to the growing complexity of our society and economy, our greater demands for well-being, an increasingly aging population, and a large number of people with difficulty in handling devices and accessing new technologies.

Solar photocatalysis is a good solution due to the low cost of the facilities, their simplicity and the availability of renewable energy. The purification or purification of residual effluents of low pollutant load but difficult to remediate by conventional techniques by photocatalysis, has become one of the most promising alternatives.
