ROASIS: Robots with the ability to interact and adapt in healthcare settings.

Project Funded by the Junta de Castilla y León and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)The General Goal of this project is to progress in the full integration of robotics in society through experimental research. For this, it is proposed to advance in two main directions, on the one hand, in the coexistence of social robots with older people to improve their level of well-being, autonomy and, ultimately, quality of life; and on the other, in the human-robot interaction through robotic heads combined with virtual animation techniques that can be used for a friendly human-robot interaction specifically in the case of older people, although it will also be applicable to other sectors of the population.

The main scientific-technical goals are the following:

  • Develop strategies for the integration of social robots in healthcare settings, based on user learning, adaptation and modeling.
  • Progress in the development of services in the field of assistance to dependent people: care, therapy, leisure, entertainment. Robots must be long-term companions, and also an effective and profitable tool.
  • To develop a robotic head that combines the sensation of physical presence that mechatronic heads provide with the high expressiveness of virtual avatars, to achieve a robotic system that favors user empathy.
  • Move towards the integration of cloud services to benefit from its computing, storage and communications resources

The investigations will be validated in the context of a real environment of assistance to elderly people dependent on a Gerontology Center and in the benchmarking environment of the RoboCup @ Home competition.

Perception and interaction in social robotics

Perception of users and their activity:

- Detect and identify users
- Person talking, attentive, distracted...
- Identify the person leading the interaction

Adaptation and learning

Development of adaptation and learning strategies based on:

• Few users, long term, age limitations
• Adaptive planning-action model
• MDP, reinforcement learning, for each user and between users
• Dialogue and modeling of user skills

Robotic head

Development of a robotic head that combines a high presence, with expressiveness, control and adaptability:

• Robotic head with back-projected avatar on translucent mask
• Open architecture, cloud integration, adaptability


Services tailored to the condition, status and preferences of users:

• Personalization from a knowledge base with data and preferences
• Operation and service metrics to estimate satisfaction
• Chronic, proxemic, user expression, frequencies of use

Operational environment

Validación en entorno operacional:

• Validation in a Coexistence Unit of a Gerontological Center collaborating with the project, with a living room, dining room, bedrooms, kitchen, geriatric bathroom, etc.
• Validation in the bechmarking environment (RoboCup @ home).


The development of this research project is planned between January 1, 2019 and December 31, 2021.
A Gerontological Center and the Cartif Technological Center collaborate in the project, led by the ITAP University Institute.

Health, demographic change and well-being

The project is framed in the area of ​​Health, demographic change and well-being. The presence of an increasingly aging population means that the need for assistance and the use of new technologies that improve the quality of life of the elderly and dependent people will be a market in full expansion in the coming years.